Tuesday 6 October 2020

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Tips Tetap Fresh Di Rumah dengan SNP Bird's Nest Intensive Sooting Gel dan SNP Mini

2020 ini terasa begitu singkat. Pandemi covid19 ini bikin saya harus bertahan di rumah, meskipun kaki ini sudah gak sabar ingin menjelajahi tempat-tempat yang menyenangkan. Tapi, apa boleh buat, semua demi kebaikan bersama.

2020 feels so short. This Covid19 pandemic makes me have to stay at home, even though these feet can't wait to explore fun places. But, what can I do, all for the common good.

Ngomongin diam di rumah, saya dapat banyak cerita teman-teman yang memanfaatkan momen stay at home ini untuk merawat kulit dan tubuhnya. Diam di rumah berarti sedikit kemungkinan terpapar sinar matahari,dan banyak waktu untuk mlakukan perawatan tubuh, sehingga seharusnya membuat kulit kita menjadi lebih sehat, bukan? Tapi sepertinya itu gak berlaku buat saya. Menjadi ibu baru yang masih belum kompeten untuk multitasking, rasanya sulit sekali untuk merawat tubuh ini. Apalagi, saya mengerjakan semuanya sendiri tanpa dibantu suami (karena suami bekerja di luar kota). Makanya, saya sering banget skip segala perawatan tubuh, entah itu skincare ataupun bodycare, karena ya.. ribet.

Talking about staying at home, I got a lot of stories from friends who took advantage of this 'stay at home' moment to take care of their skin, their body. Staying at home means less chance of sun exposure and more time to do body treatment, so it should make our skin healthier, right? But it doesn't seem like it applies to me. Being a new mother who is still not competent for multitasking, it feels very difficult to do that. Moreover, I do everything myself without hubby's help (because he works outside the city). That's why I often skip all body care, whether it's skincare or bodycare, because I think it'll only wasting my time.

Makanya, begitu saya tau kalau SNP punya produk yang multifungsi yang bisa membantu saya untuk dapat merawat diri tanpa membuang-buang waktu, saya senang banget. Produk-produk tersebut adalah Bird's Nest Intensive Soothing Gel, SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam, dan SNP Water Drop Tone Up Cream.

That's why, once I know that SNP has multifunctional products that can help me to be able to take care of myself without wasting time, I am very happy. These products are Bird's Nest Intensive Soothing Gel, SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam, and SNP Water Drop Tone Up Cream.



Gel ini dikemas dalam jar berukuran 300 ml. Kemasannya plastik tebal kokoh yang sangat aman untuk dibawa kemanapun. Tapi, biasanya untuk dibawa berpergian, saya pisahkan ke jar kecil supaya lebih praktis dan gak menghabiskan tempat.


Review SNP Bird's Nest Intensive Soothing Gel

This gel is packaged in a 300 ml jar. The packaging is thick, sturdy plastic which is very safe to carry anywhere. But, usually for traveling, I separate it into a small jar so it is more practical and doesn't take up space.


Gel yang mengandung ekstrak sarang burung walet yang kaya akan vitamin dan protein yang berfungsi untuk mencerahkan kulit, menjaga regenerasi kulit, meningkatkan produksi kolagen, menjaga kulit tetap terhidrasi, menenangkan kulit yang sensitif, dan menjaga kelembapan kulit, cepat menyerap dan tidak lengket.

Gel containing swallow's nest extract which is rich in vitamins and protein which functions to brighten the skin, maintain skin regeneration, increase collagen production, keep skin hydrated, soothe sensitive skin, and maintain skin moisture, quickly absorbs and is not sticky.


Water, Swiftlet Nest Extract (19,400 ppm), Alcohol, Glycerin, Carbomer, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Dipropylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol, Chlorphenesin, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Hydroxide, Allantoin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Flavor, Centella Asiatica Extract, Propylene Glycol, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Monarda Didyma Leaf Extract, Rosa Centifolia Flower Extract, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract, Mentha Rotundifolia Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Leaf Extract.

Jika diamati, produk ini mengandung 9  kandungan herbal, yaitu chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, lemon balm. Produk ini juga gak mengandung artificial color, animal oil, mineral oil, paraben, dan benzophone, yaitu kandungan-kandungan yang kurang baik dipakai pada kulit. 

If you observe, this product contains 9 herbal ingredients, namely chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, lemon balm. This product also does not contain artificial color, animal oil, mineral oil, parabens, and benzophones, which are ingredients that are not good for use on the skin.


Gunakanlah pada area kulit yang kering dan sensitif sesuai keinginan (pada wajah, lengan, kaki, atau seluruh badan).

Apply liberally onto dry  and rough face and body parts and gently absorb into skin


Sudah banyak produk gel semacam ini yang pernah saya coba. Tapi, produk 1 ini menarik perhatian saya karena formulanya yang berbeda dari brand lain. Bird's nest insentive soothing gel ini mengandung ekstrak bird's nest yang punya banyak manfaat. Teksturnya gel yang lumayan kental, tapi sama sekali gak lengket saat diaplikasikan. Mudah dibaurkan, menyerap seketika, dan gak bikin mengkilat. Efek adem, segar, dan lembapnya langsung terasa. 

I have tried many gel products like this. However, this one product caught my attention because the formula is different from other brands. This Bird's Nest Incentive Soothing Gel contains bird's nest extract which has many benefits. The gel texture is quite thick, but it is not at all sticky when applied. It blends easily and absorbs instantly. You can immediately feel the cool, fresh, and moist effect. 

Review SNP Bird's Nest Intensive Soothing Gel

Gel ini memiliki wangi yang segar. Produk ini juga banyak fungsinya, gak cuma dijadikan pelembap untuk wajah dan tubuh, tapi juga rambut! Bayangkan, hanya dengan 1 produk saja kita bisa merawat tubuh dari rambut sampai ujung kaki. Buat saya, seorang ibu yang punya baby, kadang gak ada waktu untuk memakai skincare. Jadi, gel ini semacam jawaban bagi kalian yang sama seperti saya. Tinggal ambil beberapa colek gel ini, aplikasikan ke seluruh tubuh. Selain itu, produk ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai after shaving cream, juga dijadikan sebagai eye gel.

This gel has a fresh fragrance. This product also has many functions, not only as a moisturizer for the face and body, but also for hair! Imagine, with just one product we can treat the body from hair to toe. For me, a mother who has a baby, sometimes I don't have time to use skincare. So, this gel is kind of an answer for those of you who are like me. Just take a few dabs of this gel, apply it all over the body, like literally all over the body. In addition, this product can also be used as an after shaving cream, as well as an eye gel.

Bird's nest insentive soothing gel ini sangat membantu saya meredakan kulit-kulit kering pada bagian tubuh saya, misalnya bagian sikut, lutut, dan telapak kaki. Bagian-bagian tersebut seringkali mengelupas, sepertinya karena saya jarang memakai pelembap. Benar saja, begitu saya pakai gel ini dalam beberapa hari, area-area tersebut mulai lembap. Produk ini juga aman digunakan anak-anak karena kandungan-kandungannya sudah diformulasikan sehingga gak akan menimbulkan iritasi atau alergi.

This Bird's Nest Incentive Soothing Gel really helps me soothe dry skin on my body parts, such as the elbows, knees and soles of the feet. These parts often peel off, apparently because I rarely use a moisturizer. Sure enough, once I use this gel for a few days, the areas start to get moist. This product is also safe for use by children because the ingredients have been formulated so that it won't cause irritation or allergies.



Seperti namanya, SNP mini ini berukuran kecil dan imut. Tampaknya sengaja dibuat khusus orang-orang yang senang berpergian. Bagi mereka, skincare semacam ini akan sangat membantu saat mengemas barang. Sederhana, gak menghabiskan tempat, dan aman dibawa kemana-mana.

Review SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam

As the name suggests, this mini SNP is small and cute. It seems that it was made specifically for people who like to travel. For them, this kind of skincare will be very helpful when packing goods. simple, does not take up space, and is safe to carry anywhere.


Mengandung charcoal yang mampu menyerap minyak berlebih, membersihkan dan mengangkat kotoran pada pori-pori wajah. Mengandung aloe vera yang berfungsi menenangkan  dan menyehatkan kulit, dan mengandung lotus leaf water yang bermanfaat untuk membersihkan kotoran di wajah.

Contains charcoal which can absorb excess oil, cleanses and removes dirt in facial pores. Contains aloe vera which functions to soothe and nourish the skin, and contains lotus leaf water which is useful for cleaning dirt on the face.


Water, Myristic Acid, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Potassium Hydroxide, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Glycol Distearate, Coco-Betaine, Calamine, Cellulose, 1,2-Hexanediol, Fragrance, Charcoal Powder, Caprylyl glycol, Disodium EDTA, Sodium Polyacrylate, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Nelumbo Nucifera Flower Water


Keluarkan cleansing foam secukupnya pada telapak tangan yang basah dan buatlah busa. Pijatlah busa ke wajah untuk membersihkannya, kemudian bilas dengan air.

Review SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam

Dispense an appropriate amount on the palm and fully lather. Rub the face in a massaging motion, and then wash off with lukewarm water.


Beberapa orang terkadang berpendapat bahwa cleanser gak punya manfaat yang signifikan buat kulit wajah. Tapi bagi saya justru sebaliknya. Pembersih wajah adalah langkah awal menuju kulit wajah yang sehat dan terawat. Gak banyak produk cleanser yang cocok di kulit acne prone saya. Tapi, SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam ini termasuk produk yang serba pas di kulit saya, bikin kulit bersih tapi gak bikin kulit jadi super kering.

Some people may think that cleansers don't have significant benefits for facial skin. But for me it's quite the opposite. Facial cleanser is the first step towards healthy and well-maintained facial skin. There aren't many cleanser products that work on my acne prone skin. But, SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam just works perfectly on my skin, makes my skin clean without making it dry.

Kandungan charcoal memang bagus untuk merawat kulit yang mudah berjerawat. Charcoal mampu membersihkan pori-pori dan menyerap minyak berlebih penyebab komedo dan jerawat. Biasanya, cleanser yang mengandung charcoal ini memiliki busa yang banyak dalam membersihkan minyak wajah, dan berakhir membuat kulit menjadi kering. Tapi SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam ini gak mengerluarkan banyak busa, sehingga kulit tetap bersih dan lembap.

The content of charcoal is indeed great for treating acne-prone skin. Charcoal is able to clean pores and absorb excess oil that causes blackheads and pimples. Usually, a cleanser that contains charcoal has a lot of foam in cleaning facial oil, and ends up making the skin dry. But this SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam doesn't release a lot of foam, so the skin remains clean and moisturized. 


Review SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam

Gak cuma itu, SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam juga bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai scrub badan. Caranya mudah, kita tinggal mencampurkannya dengan gula merah, lalu aplikasikan ke seluruh tubuh. Butiran gula merahnya akan menjadi eksfoliator alami yang mampu mengangkat sel kulit mati.

Not only that, SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam can also be used as a body scrub. It's easy, we just need to mix it with brown sugar, then apply it to all over the body. The brown sugar will be a natural exfoliator that can remove dead skin cells.



Sama seperti SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam, kemasan Water Drop Tone Up Cream ini juga sangat imut dan travel friendly. Perbedaannya hanya pada warnanya saja. Untuk Water Drop Tone Up Cream, kemasannya didominasi oleh warna pink. 

Review SNP Mini Water Drop Tone Up Cream

Just like SNP Mini Charcoal Cleansing Foam, this Water Drop Tone Up Cream packaging is also very cute and travel friendly. The difference is only in the color. For Water Drop Tone Up Cream, the packaging is dominated by pink.


Menjaga kelembapan dengan 5 jenis Hyaluronic Acid serta mencerahkan kulit wajah secara instan.

With a neat water drop formula (contains 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid), provide instant tone correction and moisturizes for a natural, silky finish.


Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, Dipropylene Glycol, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Titanium Dioxide, Coco-Caprylate/Caprate, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Phenoxyethanol, Cetyl PEG/PPG-10/1 Dimethicone, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Cetearyl Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Disodium EDTA, Allantoin, Alumina, Tocopheryl Acetate, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Fragrance, Adenosine, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Ceramide 3

Review SNP Mini Water Drop Tone Up Cream


Ratakan krim secukupnya pada wajah kemudian tepuk-tepuk agar terserap maksimal.

Dispense an appropriate amount and apply evenly on entire face for natural, toned up expression.


Sejujurnya, ini adalah pertama kalinya saya menemukan produk semacam ini. Saya pernah mencoba beberapa tone up cream, tapi gak satupun yang punya tekstur seperti Water Drop Tone Up Cream ini, Seperti namanya, Water Drop Tone Up Cream ini berbahan dasar air, tapi teksturnya tetap cream. Uniknya, ketika cream ini diaplikasikan dan dibaurkan, muncul buliran-buliran air dari creamnya. Aneh bin ajaib, pokoknya.

To be honest, this is the first time I have come across this kind of product. I've tried several tone up creams, but none of them have a texture like this Water Drop Tone Up Cream. As the name suggests, this Water Drop Tone Up Cream is made from water, but the texture is still creamy. Uniquely, when this cream is applied and blended, droplets of water appear from the cream. This is some kind of magic, I guess. :D

Review SNP Mini Water Drop Tone Up Cream

Awalnya saya agak ragu dengan produk ini. Pertama kali saya coba aplikasikan di pergelangan tangan, rasanya sulit untuk diratakan. Tapi, begitu saya coba di wajah, ternyata gak sesulit itu. Water Drop Tone Up Cream ini ternyata mudah diratakan, gak menggumpal. Kandungan niacinamidenya membuat skintone menjadi lebih cerah tanpa membuatnya jadi terlihat abu-abu. Lalu, 5 jenis hyaluronic acids yang terkandung di dalam produk ini, membuat kulit saya menjadi super lembap dan glowy. Selain itu ada juga adenosine yang berfungsi untuk membuat kulit lebih kencang. Dengan kandungan-kandungan tersebut, gak heran rasanya ketika saya merasa tampilan kulit lebih sehat tiap kali memakai Water Drop Tone Up Cream.

At first I was a little doubtful about this product. The first time I tried to apply it on the wrist, it felt difficult to spread. But, once I tried it on my face, it wasn't that difficult, it's quite spreadable and looks smooth on my face. Its niacinamide content makes my skintone brighter without making it looks grayish. Then, the 5 types of hyaluronic acid contained in this product, make my skin super moisturised and glowy. In addition, there is also adenosine which functions to make the skin looks firm. With these ingredients, no wonder that my skin looks healthier every time I use Water Drop Tone Up Cream.

Review SNP Mini Water Drop Tone Up Cream

Seperti yang kalian lihat, Water Drop Tone Up Cream ini gak bisa nutupin bekas jerawat saya yang kecoklatan (karena ini tone up cream, bukan foundation ya!). Tapi, justru saya senang. Water Drop Tone Up Cream ini membuat kulit saya lebih cerah natural, sehingga cocok sekali untuk digunakan sehari-hari, bahkan ketika kita seharian di rumah. Buat sayasih, terlihat cantik dan fresh di rumah itu bikin mood lebih baik. Bukankah begitu?

As you can see, this Water Drop Tone Up Cream can't cover my acne scars (because this is a tone up cream, not a foundation!). But, I am actually happy. This product makes my skin brighter naturally, making it perfect for everyday use, even when we are at home all day. For me, looking beautiful and fresh at home makes the mood better. Don't you think so?

Gak berhenti sampai situ. Water Drop Tone Up Creamini bisa kalian kreasikan menjadi body highlighter. Seru kan? Kalian tinggal campur produk ini dengan glitter bubuk, lalu aplikasikan di area-area tertentu, seperti tulang selangka dan tulang bahu.

Anyway, you can also turn this product into a body highlighter. Isn't that exciting? You just need to mix this product with glitter powder, then apply it on certain areas, such as the collarbone and shoulder bone. 

Penasaran gak sama produk-produk yang udah saya sebutin di atas? Produk-produk di atas gampang banget kamu temuin di SHOPEE atau di OFFICIAL STORE nya. Kalau kamu penasaran produk-produk SNP lainnya atau informasi seputar perawatan kulit, kamu bisa cek websitenya di www.snpcos.id atau di instagramnya, yaitu @snpofficial.id (pssst.. mereka sering ngadain diskon lho!)

Are you curious about the products I've mentioned above? The products are very easy for you to find at SHOPEE or at TOKOPEDIA. If you are curious about other SNP products or information about skin care, you can check the website at www.snpcos.id or on Instagram, namely @ snpofficial.id (pssst ... they often offer a discounts!)


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